Kevin resides an hour outside his native Baltimore, Maryland and now makes his living in the insurance industry. A former
thespian, Kevin graced stages in some twenty one plays, two movies, and one television show. He has enjoyed playing roles
in shows such as "The Tavern", "Macbeth", "Cupid's Arrow", Passport To Hawaii, and "The
Duchess of Malfi" just to name a few.
His writing has been published in the USA, Canada, and the UK.
favorite classic poets:
Hugo, Rimbaud, Whitman, Neruda, Poe.
favorite contemporary poets:
Billy Collins, Mark Doty, Maya Angelou, Richard Vallance.
-Poems published to date: 65-
My writing has appeared in the following publications:
Poetry, Life & Times
Red & Black
Skyline Magazine
Glimpses of My Soul
Poetry in Emotion
The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry
The Unknown Poet